Monday, September 15, 2008

when my friend said,we hav to talk it out abt da thing bet us....

my reply to him was,
what'll u do if i dont fit into any of ur squares,circles?
what , if i say onething truly now,and changed truly after?
Im not a programmed comp so that u may hav a clear understanding.
Even after a hearty talk,if both or anyone of us,feel,
everything is a hallucination of our minds,then whats ur response?

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


why does we feel happy when someone misses us n feels sad!!!!

pravins beautiful words....

This is a quoting from one of my diaries.
"When i was in love with her, i loved myself.When i lost my love i hated myself.But,in both cases, love or hate towards myself has meant to me morethan being in or not being in love with another.Why then, should i need another, to make me love my 'self'.I will love my 'self' myself...."... dt 25.12.2002.What do u say?


a god who cannot smile could not have created this humoous universe.

the thing called love...

iv learned,

love and only love has da thing

to melt our hearts.

wer beautiful only then..

u hav to love to look beautiful..

dante in his divine comedy

the day that man allows true love to appear
those things which are well made will fall into confusion
and will overturn everything,we believe to be right and true. dear bro..

hey,iv entered into this,da.
blogging..see,me to into this,da
how lonely wer,
like tortoises,often going into our shell,
always carrying our shell..relating --isit an absurd thing,
ofcourse,who im is desided only by how i relate to others...